A "Process & Workflow Design Series" Training
Gain the Skills You Need to Design Your Process and Build Your Workflow With Ease Using Dynalist™
In this 4-part video training series you will get the blueprint and gain the skills needed to design your process and build your workflow.
This won't be theory. It will be the practical application of the steps you need to get extreme clarity on what this looks like and how to create a process that works.
"You are my Go-To Accountant Guy – even if in just videos at this point. Thank you so much for your kindness, honesty and sharing. You have made one hell of a difference for me."
Lesson 1 - Design Your Processes
Reverse Engineer and Outline Your Processes
Bookkeeping Clients
Tax Clients
CFO & Advisory Clients
Process Design Conclusion and Recap
Communications - How will you communicate with your clients?
Lesson 2 - Build Your Workflows
Workflow : Signing a new prospect
Outline the process
Build the workflow
Project Management - The anatomy of a task
Workflow: Accounting and Bookkeeping Services
Tax Engagement Workflow
Lesson 3 - Automating Your Workflows
Uncategorized Expenses
How to Automate Your Bookkeeping Process
Bookmarks - Extreme Bookmarking
Automate Syncing Contacts
How do you know what to automate?
Lesson 4 - Capture, Clarify, Organize, Reflect, and Engage
Getting Things Done
Our Brains Are Stupid
The Everything Board
Set Your Statuses
The Views
The Process
The Apps
To Help You Reduce Stress!
PSST! Here's a little secret......
You have to work backwards.
What does the "End" look like?
I want to look at 3 types of engagements:
- Bookkeeping
- Tax
- CFO & Advisory
Your Process and Work-flow for each of these is going to look very different.
But the end result is probably not as different as you might think.
The main reason for that is most of you don't think far enough out when you think of the end result.
For bookkeeping you'll say the end result is getting the books closed each month and then for the year. And maybe you'll talk about the kinds of reports your clients will get on a weekly, monthly and annual basis.
For a tax client you'll say it's when the tax returns are filed (and hopefully you've saved them some money on their taxes).
And for a CFO & Advisory client you'll say it's when the client is able to make informed decisions based on the guidance you are giving them.
All of these are really just the beginning, maybe the middle.
How's this for an end result?...
"My client is so blown away by how much more they got, than they bargained for, that they are now (a) asking you how they can increase their services with you and (b) they are 100% motivated to find referrals for you."
OH! They write rave reviews too...
"You are THE GOTO PERSON for bookkeeping, taxes, and CFO & Advisory services.
Because everyone else just sucks!"
That's how you want people thinking about you and your services.
THAT's an ending I can live with because that's an ending where the story goes on, and it expands.
Now how do we tell that story?

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