Special Welcome Offer From Seth David
Try 97&UP For Free For A Month And Get Instant Access To $2,167 Worth Of Courses As A FREE Bonus
If you want to try the mastermind group that accountants from all around the world are raving about – for free – and get $2,167 worth of courses as a free bonus, keep reading.
Dear accountant,
Thanks for signing up for my newsletter “Nerd’s Guide to the Galaxy”.
As a way of saying “thank you”, I wanted to put my best foot forward and give you access to my mastermind group for accountants for FREE for the next 30 days.
This way you’ll not just be subscribed to a newsletter, you’ll also be part of a community of bad-ass, nerdy accountants that all work together towards a shared goal: Having more fun, making more money and becoming better accountants.
And on top of this, I’m also giving you $2,167 worth of courses as a FREE bonus.
Why Am I Doing This?
Like I said, I want to put my best foot forward. It’s my hope that once you see how awesome the mastermind is, you’ll love it so much that you want to stick around long-term and become a paying member.
Most accountants that join the mastermind never leave because they get so much value.
And because of that, I’m willing to “ethically bribe” you with $2,167 worth of free courses just so you give it a try.
This way you can get immense value upfront and decide later if 97&Up is for you.
Over $2167 in Added Bonuses When You Join Free!

Process & Workflow Design with DYNALIST
Value: $197
Gain the skills you need to design your process and build your workflow with ease using Dynalist

A Course In ClickUp for Accountants and Bookkeepers
Value: $197
Learn everything you need to know to get started and way beyond in using ClickUp for your accounting or bookkeeping business.

Run Your Accounting Practice With Google Workspace
Value: $197
From email to secure file sharing, learn how to run your accounting or bookkeeping business with Google™ Workspace

Reduce Channels and Increase Profits With Liscio
Value: $197
No more clunky portals... and staff love it too. The mobile app is a priceless resource. Designed with your client in mind!

Build and Automate Your Online Marketing Machine with Kajabi
Value: $197
Take a deep dive into building and automating your online sales machine

A Google Sheets Deep Dive
Value: $197
In this 4-part video series we'll take a deep dive into Google Sheets and see how beneficial it can be for your accounting business.

Nerd's Ocean of Notion Training Course
Value: $197
Notion is what many apps aspire to be but don't quite get there - an all-in-one app for just about everything!

Nerd's Guide to Airtable
Value: $197
Unlock the many use cases for Airtable to automate and streamline your processes. Go from Novice to Expert in Just 4 Lessons.

Nerd's Content Creation Toolbox
Value: $197
Turn the Internet Into Your 24/7/365 Online Lead-Generation Machine!

Advanced Video Editing - A Course in Camtasia
Value: $197
In this advanced deep dive you will learn all of the tips and tricks to add all the bells and whistles to your videos.

Mastering Excel and Google Sheets - An Interactive Course
Value: $197
If you’re an accountant or bookkeeper and you don’t feel like you’ve mastered Excel and Google Sheets... this is the course for you!
You’re right, that’s a lot of courses!
But I’m happy to give them to you for free when you take my mastermind for a “test drive”.
Don’t get too excited though, we do have a:
As you can imagine this offer will get a lot of interest and I have to preserve our family atmosphere.
Because of that, I have a few simple rules of engagement in my family:
No negativity.
Seriously, just be cool.
This is simple, straight-forward common sense.
If you don't have anything nice to say, then STFU!
Before you post...
Is it True?
Is it Helpful?
Is it Inspiring?
Is it Necessary?
is it Kind?
If you can't follow these very basic and common sense guidelines then you won't be a good fit.
Here’s What To Do Next
If you’d like to get instant access to these 11 courses worth $2,167 for free, all you have to do is click on one of the buttons below and fill out the form on the next page.
You won’t be charged anything.
Like I said, I’m giving you all these courses as a free bonus just for trying my mastermind – without paying anything upfront – for the next 30 days.
You can decide later if you want to stick around.
Here’s What Happens After That
After your 30-day trial, one of two things will happen:
If I don’t hear from you within 30 days, I’ll assume that you love the mastermind and want to stick around.
If that’s the case, you’ll be charged $197 a month.
Actually, let me try this one more time:
If you love the mastermind and decide you want to stick around after the free trial, you’ll be charged $147 a month.
So in addition to offering you a free 30-day “test drive” of my mastermind, and giving you 11 courses worth $2,176 as a free bonus, I’m also giving you a 25% discount.
You can cancel anytime during the trial period or after.
There are NO long-term commitments or contracts. No shenanigans whatsoever.
If for any reason, or no reason at all, you don’t want to stick around long-term, just shoot me an email and you won’t be charged anything. No big deal.
There’s one important caveat though.
Once the countdown timer on this page hits 00:00.00.00, you won’t be able to try my mastermind for free anymore and get the 11 courses worth $2,167 as a FREE bonus.
Also, the 25% discount that I’m offering you as part of this “welcome deal” will be gone.
So why not give 97&Up a try and decide later if it’s right for you?
The worst that can happen is this: You surround yourself with other bad-ass accountants and get 11 courses worth $2,167 for free, without paying a single dime.
Take advantage of this limited-time offer before it’s gone.
This special welcome offer will expire in four days from today:
I’ll see you inside!

97 & Up Special Welcome Bonus Offer (Over $2167 in Bonuses)

Disclaimer: If you cancel your 97 & Up membership, you will also lose access to the 11 bonus courses included with this special welcome offer.