Please note: The video below references several bonuses that were only available during the initial "early bird pre-launch" of this course. These bonuses are no longer included with your purchase. But fear not! I've included over $600 in real-bonus value to this package and you can see those bonuses on this page below.
Includes My 90 Day "No Questions Asked" Money-Back Guarantee

** Pay plans and extended support options available at checkout **
"Want to Profit From the #1 Booming Industry as an Accountant or Bookkeeper?"
Years ago and against my will (originally) I got into serving eCommerce companies as their accountant and outsourced CFO. I got into it because while I was searching for accountants who specialized in this to help a prospect, I learned that none of the accountants in this niche had ANY bandwidth to take this on!
This means there is very high demand and very short supply of qualified accounting and bookkeeping professionals who can serve these clients - AND THAT MEANS HUGE OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU!
From the Desk of Seth David
Master Quickbooks Online Instructor

Welcome to the World of

If you are alive and breathing in 2025 then you might have noticed now that just about any and every product out there is sold online.

eCommerce businesses are up against some very stiff competition and a very fast paced and ever changing marketplace.
Today Shopify and Amazon are racing neck in neck to get merchants onto their platforms.
Tomorrow someone else might enter the space.
If you are an accountant or bookkeeper looking to serve eCommerce clients there is tremendous opportunity here.
And if you've paid attention to my YouTube channel and elsewhere online then you know that lots of people, including other accountants and bookkeepers are learning from me.
Now people cram my inbox and my online communities with questions... and they're desperately trying to figure out how to keep a solid set of books. Books that you can genuinely refer to as...
You don't need a degree in accounting, nor any certifications, but you DO need the skills.
Some of you may be skeptical, especially if you are not someone who has watched me for years as many have.
You may have questions, and hopefully, some of these comments in regard to my original Bookkeeping Mastery course will help alleviate your concerns.

Just Some of What You’ll Discover:
- My eCommerce accounting workflow - the KEY to making an eCommerce company’s books Bulletproof
- The difference between great bookkeeping and bad bookkeeping
- The difference between accurate books and messy books
- The difference between recording transactions efficiently and losing time
- How to substantially automate your bookkeeping process
- How to manage the entire inventory process
- How to track all of the different payment methods and processing fees
- My top recommended eCommerce apps that make this process much easier
- How to analyze an eCommerce company’s financial information specifically:
- 4 Ways to Measure Profitability and Grow Your Business
- How to Use Inventory Analysis to Optimize Your Operations
- Gross Profit, Markup, and Net Margin
- NOPAT: What it is and how to calculate it
- How to Build a Forecast for Your eCommerce Business
- How to Calculate Marginal Costs

Your eCommerce Course Includes:

Over 20 hours of Step-By-Step Instructional Video

The Bookkeeping for eCommerce with QBO Textbook

$600 in Value-Added Bonuses Including 3 Best-Selling Courses
** Pay plans and extended support options available at checkout **

Check Out Some of My QuickBooksTM National TV Commercial Appearances and Trainings

"This is Where Most CPAs and Bookkeepers Fail with eCommerce, and Why You Need This Course Before You Take On Any eCommerce Clients - Big or Small"
Recently I had the opportunity to be on a panel with a number of other accountants including some CPA’s to discuss proper setup of a chart of accounts for an eCommerce company.
I quit the panel!
Because when I brought up that freight IN should be classified as COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) while Freight OUT should not, because that happens after the sale is completed, some of these CPAs got down right ornery about how “their clients are simple businesses” and do not need to be concerned with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principals).
That is until they DO need to be concerned with it.
I don’t want to be associated with a process like this when the concern is not doing it RIGHT!
And I wonder how their clients would feel knowing that this is how their own CPA’s are looking at their situation?
My clients have been the kind of companies that go from $10,000 in weekly sales to $1,000,000/month.
Along the way these companies need financing to support their supply chain as well as their sales growth and the related infrastructure that needs support. And the banks as well as investors are most definitely going to want GAAP financials. There’s a good reason for it. It’s a much more accurate representation of how the company is performing and this is important to investors!
So even if yours or your clients’ companies needs are simple now, our job as accountants is the same job as that of any consultant who works with “Clients.”
The term “Client” is defined as someone who is under your protection.
In this case, our job is to protect them from not being prepared to get the financing they need when they need it. And often times, by the time you realize you need it, there’s no time to go back and clean up the accounting.
My aim in this course is to teach you the Bulletproof Bookkeeping Process for eCommerce accounting. This way you will always be prepared for anything because you will do it RIGHT from the start... Just like I did for these recent clients...
Real-World Client Case Studies
You'll quickly discover how to protect your clients’ eCommerce businesses with a process for putting books together that will enable you to do this more effectively, more efficiently, and with greater accuracy than most can ever do!
If you've watched the 6 part video series they you have an understanding of how I took my experience as an auditor and turned it into a process for compiling Bulletproof Books. Then you also learned how I took this to another level with my eCommerce Accounting Workflow.
Most accountants and bookkeepers do not understand eCommerce well. Many of them admit they don’t want to touch it because of the complexities with inventory and multiple distribution channels.
I can help you with that. Once you see how to manage this properly, you will see it isn’t as hard as you think.
Most eCommerce business owners look at their profit and loss and have no idea if and how accurate that information is. Sometimes they flat out know it can’t be right, but they don’t know how to correct it.
Most of the well known accountants in the eCommerce space won’t touch these clients because they are too small.
This is where your opportunity lies. You can help people who really need the help, and they will pay top dollar because they see the value.
Not only will you be able to show your clients how you know the numbers are rock solid aka Bulletproof, but once you convince them of that, you and they will be able to move onto much higher value things like the ratio analysis section of this course that will teach you how to analyze the numbers in such a way that you will be able to help clients determine if and where they are overstocking or under-stocking in inventory.

Here’s a Breakdown of EVERYTHING You’ll Receive in My eCommerce Course...

Module 1 -Setup
- Welcome to The Bulletproof Bookkeeping Course with QuickBooks Online for eCommerce
- The eCommerce Accounting Workflow
- Accrual Accounting - The Only Way to Run an Inventory Based Business
- Set Up Your Chart of Accounts for eCommerce
- Set Up Your Products in QuickBooks Online

Module 2 - Bookkeeping Fundamentals for eCommerce
The Secret to making this bulletproof - reconcile everything to $0.00
If you know anything about my Bulletproof Bookkeeping® series, you know that it all comes down to balancing the books. In this module, we go over everything in fine detail to ensure your reconciliation is perfect every time.

Module 3 - Sales & Sales Channels
There are many options out there, but Amazon and Shopify are the top 2. Any others are going to work the same way in concept. If you understand this material you will be able to apply it as you learn that particular sales channel’s interface.
- Sales & Multichannel Distribution Systems
- Amazon Accounting Workflow
- Shopify Accounting Workflow

Module 4 - Payment Methods
There are a few payment processing methods that are most widely used. Once you know how to manage the accounting for these, you will understand how this works so that you can apply this in any system.
In eCommerce There are also “financing” options out there like Afterpay. In this section you will learn how to handle the accounting for these services.
- PayPal - Manage and Reconcile Monthly
- Stripe - Manage and Reconcile Monthly
- Shopify and Amazon Payments
- All Other Payment Methods and Financing (e.g. Afterpay)

Module 5 - Import with SaasAnt Excel Transactions
Sometimes you just can’t wait around for the apps to come around. And for some smaller clients this way of doing things may prove more cost effective.
Understanding what this section teaches isn’t just about learning how to import sales. The apps generally will take care of this for you. This is actually more about understanding how everything flows.
If you learn how to map each of these imports, you will master the eCommerce accounting workflow at a level very few will ever really understand. And this will enable you to trouble shoot and fix many of your own issues when you do run into trouble with the apps.
And I can guarantee you that you will run into trouble with the apps at some point.
Meanwhile if you need to, you can usurp the apps and import your own sales and payments!
- Amazon Sales Import
- Shopify Sales Import
- Paypal Import
- Stripe Import

Module 6 - eCommerce Apps
There are a TON of apps out there. Some are good. Many are not. A few are GREAT.
These are the apps that I currently use with clients and I love them.
As with the other sections in this course I am going to teach you the concept that underlay how you set up these apps. Then you can apply that knowledge anywhere. When you see how nicely Webgility handles the sales from ANY sales channel you will see why I don’t think there is any need to look any further.
- How to use Webgility and Why I Recommend it Highly
- ShipStation
- Square

Module 7 - Inventory Workflow and Management
In addition to the Sales Cycle and the eCommerce Accounting Workflow this is the other incredibly important area. I’m going to teach you the inventory workflow and then walk you through a few different options for how to track and manage your inventory.
- Introduction to Inventory
- How Manage Inventory in QuickBooks Online
- Inventory for Manufacturing, Bill Of Materials
- Manage Inventory with Airtable
- Dear Systems Inventory Management

Module 8 - Analysis
Many other eCommerce course I’ve looked at focus only on the Apps. This is an Accounting course. If you look back up above you will see that I am more interested in making sure you have a deep and solid foundation in the accounting fundamentals.
I can teach a monkey how to use an app!
When you know the accounting fundamentals for an eCommerce business, you can easily figure out how to use any apps.
And when all that is said and done, everything you have done up until now is useless unless you know how to analyze and interpret the data for your clients.
This is THAT section!
- 4 Ways to Measure Profitability and Grow Your Business
- How to Use Inventory Analysis to Optimize Your Operations
- Gross Profit, Markup, and Net Margin
- NOPAT: What it is and how to calculate it
- How to Build a Forecast for Your eCommerce Business
- How to Calculate Marginal Costs

Appendixes (useful resources to save you time):
- eCommerce Accounting Appendix A - Resources
- Shopify Payment Providers
- Sales Taxes - How to Break Down Sales by County A Detailed Excel Lesson
3 Best-Selling Courses (A $600 REAL VALUE)
Now how about some courses? I’ve gone through my course catalogue and if you are an accountant who is serving eCommerce companies I have a number of courses that will help you with your own processes and workflows for managing your clients.

COURSE BONUS 1 ($197 Value)
Process and Workflow Design with Dynalist
Gain the skills you need to design your process and build your workflow with ease using Dynalist
View The Sales Page to Learn More
COURSE BONUS 2 ($197 Value)
Nerd’s Ocean of Notion Course
"Keep your accounting practice ridiculously organized"
Notion is what many apps aspire to be but don't quite get there - an all-in-one app for just about everything!
View The Sales Page to Learn More

COURSE BONUS 3 ($197 Value)
A Course in ClickUp
Try Notion and then Try ClickUp and see which you like better! You might use both; clickup for tasks and project management, Notion for notes and other information.
View The Sales Page to Learn More
Just the " Bonuses" Alone Add $600 to the Value of This eCommerce Package!
With these FREE bonuses you'll be able to shortcut your way to a mastering bookkeeping for ecommerce businesses ... without spending time on the wrong products and without making unnecessary mistakes.
The way I see it you've already won.
I'm giving you the skills, and the resources you need to develop those skills so you can get the confidence you need to get and keep more ecommerce clients.
I've been working in accounting and bookkeeping for about 20 years now and I've made a lot of money with one basic principle at the foundation of everything I do...
Make it Bulletproof.
"Why Bulletproof Bookkeeping?"
I'm giving you the skills you need and the resources to develop those skills so you can always rely on the books you prepare to give your clients accurate information they can trust.
This means the accounting reports will become a powerful tool that you can use to help your clients develop and grow their businesses.
I've been working in accounting and bookkeeping for over 20 years now and I've made a lot of money with one basic principle at the foundation of everything I do...
"Wrap it up so neatly that it's easier to work with me than anyone else!"
Here's What To Do Next...
If you'd like to master eCommerce accounting, enroll in this course now.
You can enroll for $1497 one-time, lifetime access (pay plans also available at checkout).
But the way I see it, this won't cost you a thing.
With the focus you'll get back on running your clients books more effectively, more efficiently, and with greater accuracy, you will make your investment back in no time.
One new client will pay for this entire course in the first month.
This course is an investment
All I need from you is to click on the link below and sign up for my Mastering Bookkeeping Course with QuickBooks Online for eCommerce and you'll have instant access to the course and bonuses.
Here's What Happens After That...
As soon as you sign up your access to the courses will be immediate.
You can log into my site and visit your "Course Library" (top right in the navigation)
This covers the courses you have access to and all the bonuses.
You will also receive a few more emails, so pay attention!
In total, you will get access to well over 20 hours of video training not including any bonus recordings.
Note: You'll also receive 30 days of unlimited FREE support with your purchase when you test drive "Nerd's Galaxy - Support Community" that's available to add to your purchase during checkout. It's FREE for 30 days then just $97/month ongoing. You can cancel anytime.

Includes My Risk-Free, 90 Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

Mastering Bookkeeping Course with QuickBooks Online eCommerce Edition
$1497 USD
** Pay plans and extended support options available at checkout **
** Pay plans and extended support options available at checkout **
Note: You'll also receive 30 days of unlimited FREE support with your purchase when you test drive "Nerd's Galaxy - Support Community" that's available to add to your purchase during checkout. It's FREE for 30 days then just $97/month ongoing. You can cancel anytime.